Monday, September 10, 2007

Three in a Week? Not Again

This is sad and infuriating at the same time. No one deserves to live in a neighborhood where drive-by shootings are becoming a daily occurrence.

Continue Reading from NBC5 here:


  1. This is out of hand. Maybe someone needs to write a Dear Helen leter?

  2. now is the time for all good fellows to come to the aid of their neighborhood - see bpn re: march on shillers office - no more murders, no more slums uptown is not a third world country uptown is our town and home

  3. There is no way Helen can defend her people now!!!

  4. Schiller's in a bit of a pickle. She's now damned if she shows up at a community rally and she's damned if she's doesn't. Well all I can say is that she had it coming to her.

  5. Helen is always conveniently out of the office or too busy to talk to a resident. She's been coasting along in this job for far too long.
