Sunday, June 3, 2007

Worth Revisiting...In The Zone

With all the zoning changes going down on Broadway, we thought it was well worth revisiting this topic. There is alot of speculation as to why these changes have been made.

"Hugh" from BPN speculated on the zoning changes:
"Shiller is deliberately instituting a more restrictive zoning in an up & coming area in order to force developers into an audience. Shiller anticipated the defeat of Preckwinkle's housing ordinance, which mandated set-asides of affordable units in ALL new developments over 10 units, and the passage of Daley's ordinance, which requires set-asides or cash when a developer asks for a zoning change. More restrictive zoning means more requests for zoning changes means more affordable housing and more campaign contributions." He goes on to say, "The zoning change is NOT because the new zoning is thought to be more appropriate or reflective of the neighbor's hopes & desires for their community. On the contrary it is zoning as power grab: the new zoning is proposed precisely because it is KNOWN to be INAPPROPRIATE for the obvious uses developers would look at these properties for. It is using zoning to "bring developers to the table." (Of course it will also bring developers to Citizens for Shiller.) It is bending our City's law to the will of the Alderman. It is changing our laws to institutionalize the Alderman as local Zoning Czar. It is an abuse of the process."

We know this brought at least $500 to "Citizens for Shiller" as the day after "Mox Realty," who is marketing the rehab at Leland and Winthrop, donated to Alderman Shiller, their zoning change was approved. This changed the ground level of the building from retail to residential. While here at the Update, we realize this act isn't illegal, we question the ethics of it. Perhaps the folks at Pioneer-Local could investigate.

We also noticed that the parking lot for sale at Wilson and Kenmore by TCF bank is being downzoned. This zoning business is a little complicated and we appreciate Hugh for breaking it down for us. Stay tuned folks and keep your eyes wide open. It could get interesting.


  1. Why don't we have a zoning commission for all of chicago. Let's get the Alderman out of the zoning business.

  2. > We know this brought at least $500 to "Citizens for Shiller" as the day after "Mox Realty," who is marketing the rehab at Leland and Winthrop, donated to Alderman Shiller, their zoning change was approved.

    You probably will not be shocked to learn that his is PERFECTLY LEGAL under the pathetic ethic laws our Village Elders have adopted for themselves.
