Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Better Late Than Never...

We just stumbled across 46th Ward Alderman Helen Shiller's new "website." While it seems to be a rehash of the same content used on her campaign site, it appears her office is trying to enter the age of internet. Be sure to check out the "recycling fact sheet" and the Cricket Hill Summer Movie schedule. From the looks of her site, there isn't much else going on in Uptown.
We will be adding links for both Alderman Shiller's site and also 48th Ward Alderman Mary Ann Smith. You can use these to easily get contact info or updates from either office.


  1. Of interest is the information both aldermen place under public safety. Ald. Shiller skips information about beat meetings and has a couple of 50 page articles that attempt to disprove the Broken Windows theory... Ald. Smith places a link to the area beat meetings, and information about police cameras and efforts to address the issue of problem buildings in the ward.

    If Helen is one thing, it's bold. Meanwhile, the blocks with the highest rates of crime in the entire Northside are less than a 1000 feet from her office. Go figure.

  2. We agree James. It is very interesting to compare and contrast the information placed on either site. We were surprised that on Ald. Shiller's site that there was no info on Wilson Yard on the front page, or anything about the police camera being moved to Sheridan and Wilson.
