Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Lawrence Underpass For The Birds

Yuck.  A reader sent in these photos and says:  "Under the bridge, waiting for the 81 bus by the Lawrence Red Line "station" is quite simply disgusting. Dead pigeons, literally [crap] everywhere. I hope this is fixed with the Lawrence renovation coming..."  We agree.


  1. I've seen "Pigeon Lady" putting out big piles of bread crumbs for them at the Lawrence L among other places.

    Gee, thanks, lady.

  2. I thought she got arrested for assault a little while back. Is she back to her old ways again? Damn.

  3. The Pigeon Lady is in the parking lot by the Lawrence L every morning around 7am. I have called the alderman and 911 many times, but nothing. Not really sure what else we can do, she's scary.

  4. Even people who kill get out of jail fairly easily, what makes you think they kept her long?

  5. They could just roll some mesh over it like they did at Howard ...why wait? It is a cheap fix.

    The Pigeon Lady was in Ravenswood the other day, we nodded a hello.

  6. After seeing the pigeon lady dropping copious amounts of bread underneath the redline around Ace Hardware, I politely informed her it was illegal. She verbally assaulted me and threatened to hit me!!!!! What's the deal here? Why does she insist in feeding these city chickens!?

  7. Jenny311 "She verbally assaulted me and threatened to hit me!!!!! What's the deal here? Why does she insist in feeding these city chickens!?"

    Like many individuals who wander around Uptown, Pigeon Lady is mentally ill or has substance abuse problems.

  8. If I still lived up there, I'd take a spray bottle of something toxic and spray all her bread crumbs with the poison and have a buddy film me so when she hits me she can finally go away and give Uptown some peace, at least some time. (sorry for the run-on sentence)

  9. A simple installation of chicken wire would prevent the pigeons from nesting on the beams.
