Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"That's Okay... I'm With The FBI"

Really scary incident from Chicago Breaking News:

"An Uptown man has been charged with attacking a woman in a public restroom in a park near the Foster Avenue beach, police said this morning.  Joseph Mbatchou, 29, of the 900 block of West Lawrence Avenue, was charged with attempted criminal sexual assault and battery.

A woman told police that Mbatchou came into the restroom at 5100 N. Simonds Drive in Margate Park around 12:20 p.m. Tuesday, struck her in the face and attempted to sexually assault her, police said."

Be sure to read the rest of the story here.  Not only did people in the park hear the screams and break up the attack, another witness followed the alleged attacker on his bike and pointed him out to the police.  While we're appalled at the incident, we're glad to know that people were there to prevent it from being even worse.

Update:  More about this in the Sun-Times.


  1. The story says the suspect works at a homeless shelter, and he reportedly lives on the 900 Block of West Lawrence. Has anyone seen this guy around?

  2. I am so happy that witnesses didn't just call and wait for the police to come. I love the way they took action into their own hands to prevent this crime from happening. Props and Kudos to those witnesses.

  3. It just showed that the united power from individual citizens can make a huge difference. The jail system needs to monitors their ex-inmates more closely.

  4. I'm really glad some bystanders got involved here.

    The only thing I regret is that this idiot didn't run into the path of a garbage truck.

  5. Who is going to step up to the plate and volunteer to be an advocate for this victim? Which community members will volunteer to be Court Advocates and go to these hearings so that this alleged offender will get a just sentence?

  6. The hard copy of the Sun-Times stated that he lived at 941 W. Lawrence.

  7. 941 W Lawrence is The Peoples Church.

  8. And 941 is also the home to the R.E.S.T. shelter.
