Tuesday, August 26, 2008

'Howl-O-Ween' Dog Costume Event, Oct. 18

WHEN: Saturday, October 18 2-4pm
Contest Registration at 1:15 pm
Costume Parade and Judging at 2pm
$5 contest entry fee, free for Puptown members
No attendance fee

WHERE: Puptown Dog Park, SE Corner of Margate Park
Marine Drive and Lawrence Avenue, Chicago
Parking at Margate Park field house

WHY: Annual Fundraiser to support park maintenance and improvements

ETC: Costume contest participants will receive prizes. There will also be a raffle and Silent Auction.
Visit www.puptown.org for more info


  1. What in the hell is that dog wearing?

  2. I'm a cat owner (no expert on bowzerwear), but it seems to me it's a WWI flying ace outfit.

  3. German Shephard (sp?)... Red Baron
