Monday, June 9, 2008

Broadway/Wilson Corner Market In Full Swing

Seen in front of the infamous Broadway Wilson Currency Exchange.


  1. I hope whoever took that photo also called 911!

  2. I can recommend a good book to anyone who might want to read about street vendors. It is called, "Sidewalk" by Mitchell Duneier. The book is about people selling used magazines and used books on the streets of New York. I'm not sure if it is illegal there? Anyway, it is a really interesting book.

  3. Why should anyone call 911? The alderman's office is right across the street. She'll surely take notice, and take action.

  4. I thought you needed a street vendor permit to sell things on the sidewalk???

  5. Hey come on. This is one of uptowns largest retailers.

  6. Too funny. I need some new tube socks. Big date tonight!


  7. I got into an argument a few weeks back. I was waiting for a cab on the corner in uptown. An 'entrepreneur' wanted to set up shop in the same spot and told me to move. Had he asked nicely I probably would have been more than willing to move aside. But, considering his "this is my spot" attitude I refused and threatened to call the cops on him for selling without a permit. Of course from there the typical rants pursued. A quick call to 311 had him moving along nicely.

  8. Who needs a Target? I spy a new pink hat.

    Do you suppose he's aware that he's a TIF district?

  9. "I hope whoever took that photo also called 911!"

    911 is supposed to be for emergency calls. Calling 911 for this type of nonsense ties up police needlessly.

    What are the cops going to do? Arrest him? He would like a few free meals and a warm bed our expense.

  10. Actually the guys have gotten their permits and carts. (No one's quibbling about shopping carts versus fancy dancy special made vendor carts.)

    The problem is that the guys know that city ordinances forbid them from hanging things on fences (private or public, with or without permission) or spreading things across the sidewalks, but the guys find the urge to display their wares on private and public spaces irresistable.

    That's when it is the patrol officers' job to tell them to get their ware's back into their carts. If the patrol officers' don't do it, then call 911 as a "gentle reminder."

    According to 911, calling 911 is appropriate anytime the issue involves a situation where a car needs to come to the scene to resolve the problem.

  11. You can get a permit to sell crap from a shopping cart.

    Stay classy, Chi-Town.

    Can't wait until we wheel up the Olympic Medals to the platforms in Jewel carts with a locked wheel.

  12. Why is it always socks?

  13. Simple fix, put on your tennis shoes, take something like milk or soda and put it in a cup. Oops ... I accidently spilled my liquid beverage on their stuff but now I need to go and jog away. If this repeatedly happens then the word will get out that this is not a good corner to set up shop. What are they going to do complain to the cops that someone spilled something on their stuff? You simply need to be more annoying then they are and they will move on.

  14. I didn't know that about 911, but the FAQ on the City of Chicago website says that "other incidents that require a police response, such as a barking dog or a car blocking a driveway or alley" are appropriate uses, so yeah, I guess this does qualify. Good info to have.

  15. ALWAYS CALL 911!!! The cops at the CAPS meetings tell us to. You only call 311 when you don't need a police car dispatched. The only way the cops know to send a car out is if you call 911. It is not a needless tie up of the police. These are the types of things that we need to patrol.

  16. New to Chicago/Uptown...what is a TIF?

  17. Ever heard the term "throwing good money after bad?"

    In Uptown, that's TIF money.

    Seriously though, it's tax payer dollars that are being wisely used for all of the wonderful and impressive updates to existing, and the establishing of new, retail in the ward.

    Those movie theaters, that glorious Target, the stretch of invigorated retail on Broadway, and all of the infrastructure refurbishing going on .. you know all of those workers running around making improvements?

    That's your TIF money hard at work.

    T = tax money
    I = in
    F = fairy land

  18. So why would Helen want tiffs?

    Won't that make the hood better?

  19. Leroy?? Leroy Jenkins is that you? Man I havn't seen you since we used to wash winshields over at Grand and Wabash! Long time no see! I like the cart. Is that a Jewel cart? I used to have a Jewel cart but I just couldn't afford it any longer. Working my way back up though, might have a good line on a 3 wheeled Aldi cart with low miles. We shall see. The 5 and 1/2 pack of tube socks just aren't selling like they used to.

    Well I got to get back to work, you take care of yourself Leroy, I really don't like the way the guy with the two string guitar singing Jimmy Crack Corn is looking at us.


    -Uptown Dad

  20. to anon June 9, 2008 3:52 PM

    She collects them, nobody said she was spending them. Come on get with the program.


  21. She wants the TIF money, of course.

    You can't give TIF for tat without the former.

    It's the accountability as to what the "tat" actually is that drives people crazy.

  22. Ok- 911 for this guy?! Really? Leave this guy alone, does it look like he's hurting or bothering anyone? Come on!

    I love this sight but this is being a bit too petty people.

    Every area that I lived in had something like this going on. Leave this guy alone!

  23. "Every area that I lived in had something like this going on."

    Really? It's funny, go a mile or south to Lakeview and you would absolutely NEVER see something like this occuring on the public way.

  24. 911 is a tad harsh for this guy. It's not like he is selling crack. I know because I asked him for some and he said no.

  25. So sorry anon 4:23, I've never lived in that part of Lakeview, nor do I plan to.

    It still doesn't mean that 911 should be called for this guy. Smoke a joint and relax.

    Good come back Uptowndad.

  26. call 911 if you see anyone standing anywhere in Uptown especially in front of Shiller office in fact call 911 if you see shiiller

  27. LOL!!! Is she ever seen?

  28. "LOL!!! Is she ever seen?"

    All depends under which rocks you look.

  29. I just wish Shiller would do something about the high gas prices.

    Damn her!

  30. Two things:

    1. When you call 911 because there's a gang brawl outside your house and it takes 10 minutes for a car to arrive, you can rest easy knowing that they're probably dealing with illegal street vendors. Really, relax.

    2. Would you prefer the dude to be panhandling? Or maybe just sleeping on the sidewalk? Or possibly breaking into your condo to steal what he needs? Let's give him a little credit for making an effort! Perspective, people!

  31. The time and energy you all reserve to be negative, rude, hateful and racist (did I say the R word??)is astounding. Who are you cowards? How do you find the time between taking the kids to dance class and buying lattes to write this crap? I had to witness the cowardly blogging that takes place on this site.. and who knew? All of you are EXACTLY the anonymous jerks I heard you were.

  32. taking your kids to dance makes you a coward? I'm confused...

  33. and apparently, supporting a business like Cafe Too, which retrains former folks on the street and is a great asset to the community,, and oh, yea, makes latte;s,,,, is racist as well...LOL

    What stretching you do Helen

  34. Actually taking your kids to dance class in this neighborhood makes you a hero. After all you or the kid might get shot.

    Then the Shildabeast could ignore that shooting too.

    Now if you will excuse me I need to get all heroic and walk on over to Jake's for a burger.

    If I don't make it back tell my family that I want to be cremated at Graceland and want my ashes spread during the next Uptown Unity Festival. Or perhaps just mix the ashes up with some of the paint for the "graff art".

  35. Or have Keith Richards snort your ashes. LOL!

    just having fun here....

  36. Hi, Trish. I don't necessarily think I would take this thread as indicative of anything. Look through the whole blog...going back a while before you think you can dismiss everyone who visits here. If I may be so bold, I would say that people are feeling a bit peevish after going to a peaceful and positive anti-violence rally and then coming "home" and being subject to an on-going lineage of childish attacks on everything from their personal appearance to being "haters" of all kind. Being the lefty liberal everyone else on the planet seems to want to call me...those kinds of barbs are hard to take when what was truly in your heart was "peace on the streets."

    If neighborhoods could go on the Jerry Springer show, we should be ready for our appearance. This neighborhood is full of good people (of all walks of life) but it is badly dysfunctional because it is used as a performance stage by others. People who really live here are trying to break that open but EVERY attempt at understanding is ruthlessly blocked by those who have a vested interest in the status quo. The change will come but probably not without a lot of pain. It shouldn't have to be this way but the attacks do embolden those of us who are willing to do anything to let this community be free to chart its own path---not one that is prescribed by people who think they "know better".

  37. Regarding New York - Printed materials are okay to sell on the street without a permit. The ordinances basically consider that activity an exercise of Free Speech/first amendment rights.

  38. What do that have to do with anything? No one says this guy can't sell his stuff. God bless him for making a buck. He just has to do it the same way every other licensed vendor does it. By following the licensing rules.

    It should be that simple. What is amazing is that in Uptown is isn't. The good news is that we don't seem to have any problems with the many other vendors in the park and on Wilson Avenue.

  39. That guy in the hat I saw vote for Helen 8 times
    in the last electon.
    He must be using the cash Helen gave him to buy some pirated dvd's.

    Everything seems to be fine, Helen wouldnt have this Ward any other way.

  40. You did realize that vendors like these, plus the junk truck/scrap peddlers are all currently in training for the Wilson Yards site, right? Remember, along with Target, there's some other unnamed tenant, and several smaller stores!

  41. that pink hat would go great with my suit, as would coordinating tube socks...

  42. Bubbles Depot anyone?

  43. "All of you are EXACTLY the anonymous jerks I heard you were."

    Remaining anonymous or using a made up name like Trish Lee - what's the difference?

  44. FYI. I noticed that Ald. Shiller had the peddler ordinance and licensing requirements posted in her front window when I walked past on Saturday.

  45. I don't know - these guys don't bother me. They're all over New York.

    It's better than people wielding guns, knives, and people trying to burn down the red line station.

  46. T.I.F.= Tax Increment Financing. You take an area that needs to be fixed up such as Wilson Yard. The city determines that private development needs to be helped (ie. it's too expensive or too risky for any private entity to develop without assistance-this is teh case with Wilson Yards since the ground is toxic and needs to removed). The TIF then takes property values at the time of creation and uses that number as a baseline. As the years go by property taxes increase and this difference is what helps finance the TIF. Illinois TIF law allows a TIF district to exist for a maximum of 23 years. For more info on IL TIFS:

  47. This happens in the gold coast too. Why would you call 911, it is not an emergency. You live in uptown, this is life, and this is not that bad. All people need to make a living, not everyone can do it in the most pleasing matter.Why post this stuff?

  48. If this guy is trying to make a living instead of begging on the streets, good for him. I take no issue with that.

    I'm a bit more concerned about people getting shot coming home from work, or pumping gas right now.

  49. I cannot quite understand all of the ire surrounding these street vendors. These guys are selling items to make money. They are not begging for change. They are not asking for handouts. They are not selling narcotics (at least not as far as I know). They are practicing a very simple form of entrepreneurship.

    Personally, I would much rather see something like this than having those same people begging on the corner.

  50. I cannot quite understand all of the ire surrounding these street vendors. These guys are selling items to make money. They are not begging for change. They are not asking for handouts. They are not selling narcotics (at least not as far as I know). They are practicing a very simple form of entrepreneurship.

    This happens in the gold coast too. Why would you call 911, it is not an emergency. You live in uptown, this is life, and this is not that bad. All people need to make a living, not everyone can do it in the most pleasing matter. Why post this stuff?

    Well said, and I agree. Why post this stuff?

  51. He needs a vendor's license. Period.

  52. I am okay with training them in Wilson Yard as long as we can send them out throughout the city, metro and country as representatives. They would bring much pride to the diversification of Uptown. Although it seems like Shiller does nothing but fight diversfication. Seems the concept of mixed housing meaning upper class, middle class, and lower class all living together in harmony is missed. Apparently
