Friday, May 15, 2015

This Train's Got The Disappearing Railroad Blues*

Take a last look:  The last piece of the old North Shore Line train viaduct over Broadway -- the one in front of ACE Hardware, and over the vehicle turn lane onto southbound Clifton -- will be demolished next week. ACE will be open on Monday, but closed Tuesday through Friday. Please read the notice below for more details about the closures.

There are photos of the last remaining section of the viaduct below the notice. CTA workers have been demolishing the tracks west of the Wilson Station for the past few weeks, and they're already gone over Wilson and most of Broadway.  The tracks did their job for nearly a century, but we're glad to see them make way for something more modern and less intrusive.  We can't wait to see Broadway in a couple years, with no support columns in it at all.

Looking North

Looking Southwest
* Thanks to Chicago native Steve Goodman for coming up with the perfect phrase from City of New Orleans.

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