Thursday, February 19, 2015

Reaching Out To Our Kenyan/Swahili-Speaking Neighbors

We've been asked to post this for the benefit of our Kenyan neighbors:

"Swahili Catholic Mass - Chicago - Summer 2015.  Fr. Sam - the pastor of St. Sylvester Church in Chicago, is coordinating a Swahili Catholic Mass that will be held in Chicago this Summer 2015. This Ministry is geared towards caring for spiritual needs of Kenyan Catholics in Chicagoland and all who understand Kiswahili. This is the beginning of a tradition and we are in the early stages of planning. We would like to include all people that would like to be involved in Mass activities including Choir, Scripture Readings and Kids + Youth groups.

If this is something that interests you or that you would like to be kept informed about, please send your Name, Email and Phone contacts to I will include you in the communication going forward. Meanwhile, please extend this invitation to our fellow Kenyans and Swahili speaking community members - including those that are located in our neighboring states."

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