Friday, August 27, 2010

Ald. Shiller Immortalized In Uplift Bricolage

Seen on the outside of Uplift School at 900 W. Wilson.


  1. And here I thought North Korea and Burma were two of the last regime's that had idolatory. Oh great leader sure hope there is no graffiti that hits that!

  2. I really hope Jason's right, but I feel like he's not... Ughhhh, vomit.

  3. Maybe Clam Chouder can take care of this for us...ridiculous. Kind of reminds me of when the city had to spend all that money taking Blagojevich's name off of water towers/road signs etc.

  4. Ah, our goddes of distruction and mayhem.

  5. I walked by this morning and can confirm that this isn't a photoshop.

  6. just wondering, not supporting or criticizing her picture on the wall. but i wonder how our neighbors' reactions to her picture being there would vary based on their economic status. i think you'd see quite a difference of opinion depending on a person's income level. no judgements made, just a theory.

  7. Ron, nice try with further promotion of the us versus them theme that Helen has tried to perpetuate for her entire 24 years in office. Yep, if you divide the masses, then you're much better at controlling them. Keep'em stupid and dependent and you can maintain the power. It worked wonders.

    One problem, though. The masses caught on to her bag of tricks and even the press starting catching on. That's precisely why she ain't running. Now she's going down in history as one of the most vilafied aldermen in the history of Chicago politics. Well, at least she will be number one at something.

    But I know you, Ron. You'll say she's hated because she advocated for the poor. If advocacy means keeping them dependent and trapped in crime-ridden buildings, then she's an advocate. However, that's not my understanding of what it means to be an advocate.

  8. Don't feed the Ron Durham troll, it is the same comment he makes to just about everything. "Us vs. Them." Not even sure he knows who falls into which category just as long as he gets some attention doing it.

  9. on another note, love the mole pick 'Holy!

  10. Like many, I too assumed this was a joke. I think the 'legacy' would be a more appropriate topic to immortalize.

    Speaking of which.....10 'white shirts' just flew by the alley when I was taking out the trash.
