Friday, January 2, 2009

Coincidence? You Decide.

Rob Davis, director of WAMA and owner of Unique So Chique at Wilson and Magnolia writes in:

"Just wanted to let you know that I have had 5 inspections in the last 3 to 4 months months. Most of the inspections were supposed community individuals who made bogus calls on the business (rats, no license, etc.) none at all which were true. Of course when the inspectors arrived they found other things to ticket the business for. One for example was because the inspector could see about a 1/4 of an inch of light through the back door. That was $500. The list goes on and I can explain more. It is almost laughable. I can forward you the complaints we received too. I want EVERYONE to know. I am not suggesting they came from the Alderman and her cronies, but seems kind of suspicious! Over $3,000 in fines! We need to make the public and businesses aware of this and I don't mind taking the lead."


  1. It happened with my campaign as well, with the 4th city inspector finally asking a campaign worker of mine what did she do to piss the alderman off. I had one campaign worker living in a newer condo building with a back deck made of steel and it got cited. The judge threw it out immediately, but it meant he had to take a day off work to deal with the hassle.

    The same goes with business owners contributing to my aldermanic campaign in 2007. Business owner after business owner told me they feared repercussions if their campaign contribution was discovered. It's why I chuckle when people say, "If you don't like an alderman, just vote 'em out."

    I take it all in as politics in Chicago. I knew this kind of thing happened before I ran and I know it will happen again. The City Inspector is not allowed to investigate aldermen for fraud, waste, and abuse. I believe every citizen should know where their alderman stands on being accountable to the City Inspector before they vote, but as it stands, most people have no idea that the City Inspector has his hands tied.

    I remain hopeful that this can change and it's our demand for more transparency that will make it happen.

  2. A friend of mine's building was inspected and they found that a new wooden deck had to be replaced entrirely. Someone in her building was helping with James' campaign.

    She said that they spent countless hours going downtown and over $700.00 to hire someone to help prove their innocence because they needed architectural renderings of what they would do to fix the problem, yada, yada, yada, before the hearing could take place.

    The hearing inspector said he had no idea why they were cited in the first place. The hearing, ironically, was the week before the Aldermanic election.

    With these incidents, and I have heard of more, I wonder if it isn't time to get the Attorney General's office involved. This seems to be a pattern, not just an isolated incident.

  3. Perhaps it is time we start making sure all of Shillers donors are up to speed on their inspections.

    Lets find out the addresses of the businesses and persons on her lists and start making sure they are up to code as well....

  4. God I love Crook County IL. Been here 8 years never seen a town and county as corrupt as it is here.

    And I have lived a lot of places.

    Call the TV station and have them do a story on it.

    Also I bet her office has quit a few violations.

    Alderman shouldn't have as much power as they do in Chicago.

    Can't wait until Daley is indicted along with G. Rod.

    James this is stuff you should use in your campaign next time.

    Do a TV spot about how Alderman Shiller scares and intimidates people.

  5. By the way I would go to a lawyer and sue the City for harassment, subpoena the calls they say they got.

    If Shiller ever tries that bs with me she is in for a good long fight.

    Someday she is going to step on the wrong person.

  6. It would be nice to get Pam Zekman (who lives in Uptown) from Channel 2 on our side, but she won't touch Shiller with a 10 foot pole. Wonder why?

  7. Attorney General is best way to go. Lisa is looking for reasons to be in the press.

  8. This is awful! Can we get a list together of businesses and people affected with details?

    Seriously, why they would be checking Unique versus the aesthetically nasty shops is beyond reason!

    If Rob doesn't mind taking the lead, maybe he can solicit e-mails to be sent to him detailing the suspicions. Then, we can take it to the AG. If Rob does do this, I will e-mail him immediately to help!

  9. With any city employee, you have the right to ask to see for identification and verify it. Same goes for ComEd, Peoples Gas, etc. There are enough incidents of people posing as "official" employees to scope properties for stuff to steal, etc. I always take the time to chat with anyone snooping around even if it looks like they are a meter reader. Despite security cameras and a doorman at my job, we still need to encourage people to stop people who they don't know. Whether the people are real inspectors or not, asking them for their ID is a quick way to flag them. As far as the inspectors, there jobs are just as politically-linked as any city employees. And in this economy, I'm sure they'll do anything to keep their jobs where they agree with everything they are asked to do. I've seen pressuring like this even worse in small town WI (people showing up with guns), but it's sad when the city wastes energy on this crap when there is enough other real crap that needs to be done.

  10. oops - wrong link:

  11. When someone reports an issue to the city inspectors office, can one find out the name of the person that reported the violation?

    I've been trying to find out the person(s) that challenged my voter registration in the 46th Ward with the Chicago Board of Elections office, but thus far I have been stalled again and again.

  12. Ever notice how the 46th Ward website, posts nothing but pure fluff?
    "don't forget to shovel"
    "how to recycle your Christmas Tree"
    "parking for the Hockey Game"

    Where are the posts about gang violence, and the mounting questions about what's being done, and questions about her office?
    I don't think I've ever seen a post that attempts to 'answer' concerns raised by the general population.

  13. Any business would rightfully be very afraid to speak about this for fear of repercussions. It's a Catch-22 for them and Helen knows it.

    By the way, Lisa Madigan is friends with Helen and her daddy Mike Madigan has given Helen campaign money. Don't hold your breath on Helen getting caught. We just need to get her out of office.

  14. The AG can't do anything to Alderman.

    The Feds have to do it.

    btw- Madigans are just as corrupt as G. Rod

  15. Blago is just the symptom of the problem that already exists in Chicago, Cook County, and Illinois. Needed campaign reform, more transparency and blogs like Helen's Money and UU will force the issue.

    Two other factors that will help address corruption is that all eyes are on Chicago now that Obama is President and we're in the running for the Olympics. Daley may someday regret the attention that Chicago is getting.

  16. Wasn't there a comment picked up where someone on the IOC told Daley and Co. "Its yours if you don't screw it up".

    I wonder how the Mayor would spin things if Chicago didn't get the Olympics.

  17. "The City Inspector is not allowed to investigate aldermen ... "

    Aldermen are outside the charter of the City IG, but the inspectors from City depts such as buildings are not.

    "I remain hopeful that this can change ... "

    Me, too.

    " ... subpoena the calls they say they got."

    An alderman has NO individual executive authority in a ward under law. If executive branch staff persons are taking direction from an alderman outside of authorization via full City Council ordinance, they are in effect, at minimum doing non-City work on taxpayer time, and perhaps even may be considered to be working as campaign employees of the alderman on taxpayer time, and we have a legitimate complaint.

    This is an important issue - alderman exercising powers beyond their legally proscribed duties and responsibilities. It's the "little mayor" mythology our aldermen cloak themselves in. This type of extra-legal activity blurs the important distiction between the legislative and executive branches, aids incompetent incumbents in retaining office and violates our right to representation.

    I would encourage folks victimized by this to follow up. More and more yesterday's business as usual is today's crime. If they knew we were watching it might cause them pause.

  18. I wonder if anyone in Fitzgerald's office would be interested in some of these allegations? He has shown a propensity to target governmental corruption, so I wonder if an alderman is too low on the rung for him?

  19. "I would encourage folks victimized by this to follow up."

    Hugh, who would you suggest people follow up with first?

  20. in my humble experience the City IG is doing well in refering matters to other authorities when appropriate and in participating in joint investigations

  21. if this business is being targetted for political reasons, as certainly is being implied by the post, that is not a good thing.
    but the logic normally used by people on this site in regards to the city or state or federal government regulating people's behavior would be quite different.

    i've heard people talk about JPUSA on this website and call for more regulation of them, saying that they want the place inspected for the good of the people JPUSA helps. is that a coincidence that people in this blog call for that? or is that politically motivated? you decide.

    many people encourage and support over-aggressive policing based on racial and economic (and clothing, i.e. white tee shirts) profiling, saying that they just want to live in a safe community, something everyone wants. is it a coincidence that those who support that generally aren't the ones who are targetted based on their economic or racial status? you decide.

    so, partially in jest, let me use some of that logic that y'all use. here it goes.

    "well, if this place "Unique So Chique" (i don't even know what this place is) had no violations they wouldn't have been ticketed, right? they must have been doing something wrong if they were fined up to $3,000, right? do you think we should just give these people a free pass because the inspectors may have been called for illegitimate reasons? if they have nothing to hide, why worry about inspectors coming through the place? don't we all have a right to go to an establishment that is kept up to high standards? is that really too much to ask? shouldn't the city be involved in seeing to it that places are kept up, especially when propery owners demonstrate that they're incapable of doing it themselves? and of course the owner says it's a bogus violation and bogus complaints that get the inspectors there, isn't it in his interest to say that? i know these business owner types, they'll do or say anything to make a buck and keep their clients coming through the door. the inspectors we have in chicago do a great job and we should be grateful for their service and seeing to it that proper standards are kept up. every now and then an inspector will abuse her/his power but the overwhelming majority of inspectors and politicians see to it that laws are followed and no one should get a free pass. and more people should keep an eye on this establishment as cleraly it has already had serious problems - enough to be fined $3,000! we should encourage everyone to call the inspectors any time we sense something might be out of code at this place, we should trust our instincts. and we certainly shouldn't patronize the place, that only puts more money in the hands of this immoral property owner who, by her/his actions has clearly demonstrated their inability to be a good neighbor. and i've never once seen this person at Gigio's or the currency exchange or unique thrift store, or any of the events i attend in the neighborhood so they definitely don't even live in Uptown!".

    sound familiar? like i said, if this is related to some sort of cprruption, which many of you think is the case, that is not a good thing. but please notice the double standard that many of you keep. where are you when the issues of police corruption and misconduct come up. many of you mostly dismiss it and justifiy it. so why not now? this situation, if really a case of corruption, is far more minor than say, cops planting drugs on someone.

    not many people on this blog wanna talk about corruption unless they perceive themselves as a victim of it. if they benefit from it, they won't even acknowledge it. but if they or their class is threatened by corruption, all of a sudden the topic of discussion is all about corruption and injustice--the corruption and injustice heaped upon them. the double standard based on class, race or whatever else is glaring!

  22. Ron, once again, you point the finger at the people on this blog, bringing in things completely outside the scope of the post. Racial profiling, JPUSA (whom you claim not to know), police abuse, cops planting drugs on innocents... you are the only one connecting these dots.

    Again, wah, wah, poor Ron and his friends and beliefs are the real victims of here ... of everything! It's getting really old, my friend.

    As a dear friend in AA once told me, when you point your finger at someone else, there are four pointing right back at you.

  23. I didn't know that Unique So Chique was running a tax protected, faith-based community which has the implicit support of the alderman; which is also a polling place and has run up against some very difficult criticism that has of yet gone unanswered.

    If that's true, Ron, then you've got a point.

    Otherwise, you're simply defending the status quo of corruption, favoritism and ineptitude which runs rampant through the city government in hopes of bettering your position in the pecking order of Helen's tax-payer funded trough.

  24. many people encourage and support over-aggressive policing

    For t-shirts? Readers, such as myself, were telling other readers to BE ALERT about big baggy white t-shirts that were concealing t-shirts beneath them. In other words, easy, breezy, ditchable visual evidence to describe them if said large t-shirt citizen threatens you.

    where are you when the issues of police corruption and misconduct come up.

    What do you want? Shall we burn an effigy of Jon Burge on the streets of Uptown. Police corruption is just as bad as any corruption. Violating the public trust is a serious offense for any person drawing capital from government.

    Unique So Chic is offering something. Show me some evidence Ron. I'm even willing to listen to the "Jim Crowe laws are still on the books" evidence. My CAPS meetings just wouldn't be the same without them.

  25. Rob tried to reply to Ron, but was having computer trouble, so here is the comment he emailed to us:


    I am the owner of Unique So Chique. You are so off base it is frightening. If you want the cold hard facts of what I and other business owners have experienced, do a search for my business and come by some time so we can talk. I have NOTHING to hide as you have implied!!


  26. Where is Uptown United and Uptown Business Partners during all of this? If businesses (in this awful economy) are being harassed, should they not be stepping in?

  27. meanwhile back in the real world and back on topic

    every inspection generates paperwork

    seems to me all inspection reports in the 46th for say 6 months should be FOIA-able or certainly discoverable

    you know what would be fascinating would be to tally inspections of WAMA members vs. BP members

    BP having so many more members, other things being equal, one might more inspections of BP members

  28. Ron, it would be very easy to dismiss your post because of the venomous tone.

    That being said, I doubt you'll ever find too many objections to the "equal justice" argument as long that justice favors the person or group who is speaking.

    True justice always leans toward the oppressed.

    Could it be, Ron, that the oppressed in Uptown are not members of historically oppressed groups? Could it be that the oppression is actually unfavorably placed on people like WAMA members, condo owners and the employed?

    You may feel that there is "extra scrutiny" of you or your group because there was no scrutiny of anyone years ago in Uptown. Lawlessness was perfectly acceptable.

    As things change and there is more accounability in Uptown, is it possible that Alderman Shiller or others are focusing a little too much scrutiny on her political enemies?

    That's the assertion on this post, as I read it. If you believe in true justice, this needs to be looked into and addressed.

    If you want to go down the road of denial, forcing a "special class" in order to protect condo owners, upscale business owners and the employed from injustice, intolerance, hate crimes, etc. we can certainly have that discussion too.

  29. Ron, if you still have doubts you can also consider the connection between the businesses with recently shattered storefronts.

  30. Ron, it must be hard being a hero when you don't have a victim to save from the evil condo owners or the big bad police, right? Maybe you'll have some luck this weekend.

  31. there should be an "Ignore" button for Ron's
    wayward sermons.

  32. "well, if this place "Unique So Chique" (i don't even know what this place is)"

    Wow Thanks Ron. You have your head so far in the victim cloud that you failed to notice a business that has been there for years on one of the main stretches of Uptown.

    When your walking to comfort all those police brutality victims on Magnolia do you just keep your eyes on the ground so not to see any real progress in the community?

    As far as Rob's store I have been witness to his harassment all year. He is a better man than I am. I did my Christmas shopping at his store. Not to get on a soap box but it's all fine to post outrage but the best thing to do when one of our own is getting bullied is to go in to their places and spend some money. Helen want's to drive business out. Right now she is ahead.

  33. Ron, though I empathize, even identify with much of what you stand for, and admire you for your passion, I believe it's important to differentiate between "justice" and "retribution."

    I have both friends and neighbors who've experienced what has been described in this thread, and to those experiencing the random, flailing outlashes of anger and retribution, it's petty and cruel, more reminiscent of tyranny.

    Don't forget that Lenin and Stalin were also champions of the downtrodden, dear.

  34. The City of Chicago's building department FOIA page states "If you are seeking permit or violation records for a specific building, you must include the address of the building."

    Hugh, do you think we'd have luck if we said "All of the 46th Ward" as the address, or could they technically say we would need to list every property address based on this policy?

  35. Why cant the media pick up this information? As we have learned with Blago the only way to stop it is to expose it.

  36. It seems that everything that comes from the 46th Ward office, is either shrouded in mystery, or wrapped up in a downright spiteful, defensive sense of retreat.
    They have NEVER addressed a single question I've sent to the office.

  37. "Where is Uptown United and Uptown Business Partners during all of this? If businesses (in this awful economy) are being harassed, should they not be stepping in?"

    this is BP's its membership drive

  38. i love your blog about uptown! I use it to get some of my information for my own reports!

    Thanks alot for a great website


  39. Kenny,

    just to clarify, if this is in fact some how related to some sort of political misconduct, i don't support it and i thought i made that clear. the paragraph in quotes in my previous post was pure sarcasm emulating the way many people on this blog target and criminalize certain segments of the population.

    it strikes me though, that some people take such a strong stand about this particular case of perceived or real corruption and targetting yet clearly support other types of corruption or targetting that negatively affect other people.

    and Rob, i was not trying to insinuate that you are making things up. it was a poor attempt at sarcasm i guess. sorry for the misunderstanding. in jest, i was talking about you the same way many of the people who have commented on this blog talk about anyone who has been wrongfully targetted by the police and/or the pro-gentrification crowd in Uptown. sorry for making you feel attacked, it was not intended. i just hope you and others have half as much criticism of the targetting on behalf of the pro-gentrification people as you expressed here.

    one love.

  40. ron duram is a tool

  41. Ron, one of these days you will trip on your Superman cape and discover you've become Darth Vader. Get some help. You'll be much happier afterwards.

  42. 'Ron Durhams' comments, are very much like the 'posts' on the 46th ward website.

    Devoid of substance.

  43. I think you all missed the point of Ron's initial comment. And that is to your shame. It was a valid check and balance comment that you all chose to, rather strongly and ignorantly, prove correct. I would suggest you take those four fingers that are left pointing at YOU and reread his post with a little less drama and defense. Ron wasn't attacking you but simply trying to show you the duplicity of your own comments as they run through the blog.

    Government corruption is wrong on all counts not just when it negatively effects you but also when you benefit. Sometimes we fail to grasp the latter.

  44. No, Chuck, I'd have to disagree. No one is saying anything is wrong with checks & balances. However, if my focus is on addressing local corruption, and especially if that local corruption has an effect on me addressing crime, then I won't take criticism from anyone for focusing on my interests.

    Ron is more global and his way of getting his message across is so irritating he's not able to convince the neighbors on his own block. He must have gone to the Marc Kaplan school of "How to Influence Positive Change." This message board appears more focused on local issues, especially issues that seriously effect the quality of life in Uptown.

    The retail in Uptown is blighted. I don't care to shop at blighted stores. Rob has one of the few stores that is a class act not only in Uptown, but in Chicago. Plus, it's not a franchise. I don't want Rob's store to suffer because he was the only store owner in Uptown who openly supported Cappleman. That I want to do something about. Curing world poverty by requiring all people to rent is not something I'm remotely interested in. If you are, go for it.

  45. This "I'm criticizing you people for your own good" is like watching a "fair and balanced" Fox newscast.

    Ron & Chuck...It's an evil condo owner thing. You wouldn't understand.

  46. Zesty, I AM an evil condo owner. I also support Rob's business by shopping there and eating there. He has one of the nicest businesses in Uptown and has wonderful food and staff. I especially appreciate his ability to bring people in from the suburbs to eat at his restaurant.

    But you have still missed the point of Ron's comment and I still shame you one this. His point, as I understood it, was if you are going to recognize corruption that works against you you MUST also recognize when it works in your favor. And in both these instances this corruption is wrong. Ron's observation was that many times we, as a community on UU, tend to overlook that corruption which works in our benifit and cry foul when it is not. We should cry foul in both cases for corruption is corruption regardless of the group it may benifit. That includes ourselves.

    If you want fair, be fair. If you wish only good for you, wish good for you. But, please, don't play both sides of the fence and claim moral superiority. That only insults us both.

  47. Maybe no one wants to hear Ron period since he has painted gentrification and condo owners as evil.

    This is blog and we don't support his view nor do we have to.

    I don't have hard time saying Uptown is hell hole because of Helen and if it wasn't for us evil condo owners she won't be able to have her doped out wacky social plan she is trying to engineer and you know as people that pay most of the tax to the City we have a right to hold them accountable.

  48. ""Unique So Chique" is not alone. Everyone gets hit with inspectors. It's a city thing, not an Uptown thing.

    Im sure the paranoia that people feel of their business being targeted is because they themselves are guilty of tattle-tailing on shelters, low-income housing, and other services. Sounds like someone got a taste of their own medicine.

  49. Don't fall for Ron's trap. Al he's doing is trying to change the topic away from alleged retaliation against Shiller-opponents to something about JPUSA. This is a common tactic: distraction in the guise of "opening our minds". It's a variation of the classic "there are children starving in Africa, so shut up about whatever your local concern is". It's a sneaky tactic because of course, children starving in Africa, or police intimidation are both valid issues, but Ron simply uses them to get the discussion away from an issue he doesn't want discussed.

  50. Green Giant, I understand your philosophy that the ends justify the means. I just don't agree with it. By the way, Rob has employed homeless people and has gone way out of his way to get them back on their feet. He's also a renter. But I do admit that he runs a nice store and condo people do shop there, but I don't fault him for that.

    We need more businesses like Rob's, not fewer. We need to have an end to business owners feeling intimidated if they don't support the Chicago way of doing things. If there's one consistent thing about Rob, he abhors corruption of any type. I can't say that for Rob, the other non-Catholic non-workers, and Green Giant.

  51. correction
    "I can't say that for Ron, the other non-Catholic non-workers, and Green Giant."

  52. Holy Moly-

    I don't have anything against "Unique so Chique" or Rob. I just happen to know that he has been on the other end of things. Calling inspectors on other places.

    It sucks when the place you live and or work gets hit with inspectors. You do feel attacked. It seems to me that Uptown Update is no stranger to encouraging people to get on the phone and call the city to inspect places they don't like. They encourage it on regular basis. So it surprises me that everyone is all upset when one of UU's own gets hit with an city inspector. What goes around comes around.

  53. Calling city inspectors to investigate crime ridden establishments and places that jeopardize the safety of the inhabitants is one thing. Calling them in to intimidate a business owner is another. If you don't see the difference, then you don't care to.

  54. UU has asked readers to call 311 about lights that have been burned out for years (under the el and in a kids playlot), for aid for a homeless person who's been living in a doorway for over six months, and for contributions to buy a winter coat and pay rent for an innocent passer-by who was shot in the back on Christmas Day.

    UU has also called for donations for school supplies for kids who are homeless, both through Care For Real and directly to the Stewart School pupils.

    Yeah, those are really vile and selfish and vindictive causes UU has been supporting. Horrible folks.

    As far as Dearborn Grocers, UU asked readers to call store management for months to ask them to make their lot compliant with the law. It was only after a year of inaction by the store that calls to 311 were urged.

    If you think this is the same as Unique So Chique having five inspections in the past few months, well, that's your right. I don't see UU's requests as vindictive, but -- rather -- as helpful to the community and its safety. Your mileage may vary.

  55. Ron's observation was that many times we, as a community on UU, tend to overlook that corruption which works in our benifit

    I'm sorry ... where am I benefiting from corruption?

    Is it in how well maintained, and safe the streets are?

    Is it in how there are no gangs running armed and amok through the city?

    Is it limited taxes?

    Is it in not having more low income housing stacked upon a weak social foundation using tax dollars put into a fund with limited or no public oversight?

    Is it in having a new parking garage and visitor center built for Truman College (an already publicly funded entity) to the tune of $10M?

    Is it having my voice flatly ignored by my local, "elected" official?

    I'm all for calling out double standards where they exist, regardless of whether I'm impacted by it, or not; but, I'm having a rather difficult time seeing where I'm even remotely benefiting from Helen Shiller's corrupted and petulant existence, whatsoever.

    Give me a one example of how I, or any other UU reader is benefiting from Shiller's corruption.


  56. "if you are going to recognize corruption that works against you you MUST also recognize when it works in your favor."

    Huh??? I don't believe you really mean that, chuck.

    Trade places with Rob for a minute. If you were a small business owner and thought you might be the victim of political corruption would you really start by approaching the community with a list of ways other people have been wronged first? Oh, and by the way now that I have addressed these myriad of wrongs, I have this one small issue of my own...

    Marc Kaplan was found guilty of encouraging someone to file a false report of police harassment. Maybe Ron could have begun his rambling post above with that example.

    Ald. Shiller lied about ONE's support of Labor Ready during the hearing. Maybe Ron could have worked that one into his list too.

  57. "I just happen to know that he has been on the other end of things."

    how would you know that exactly?

  58. *Rob is still having trouble posting comments, but here is his comment to "Green Giant."

    Green Giant,

    Where I appreciate that you have nothing against me or my business, I am aghast that you make the assumption that I have called inspectors on other places. What proof do you have? Please show me. I have NEVER, in the 9 years of living in Uptown, called an inspector on any business or residence. I have however called on Miriam Apartments for a few of their tenants who consistently prostitute in front of our apartment building. If you find fault in that, then so be it. I will continue to do so.

    I am not saying I am perfect and I too am all about fairness but I, like many others, will not tolerate corruption. It is difficult enough being a small business owner in this economy but to be intimidated because I don't have the same beliefs that others do is just plain wrong. I know other businesses city wide have had many inspections too. The city is in a deficit so this is what they do. But, I have documented proof that certain individuals have called on my business. These were NOT just random inspections!!!!


  59. You know what Ron? I am so beyond sick of you and your point of view... 'pro-gentrifiers.' You speak of people that work their butts off to own a home as if they are kin to Hitler!

    Just as you claim, so self-righteously, that 'condo owners' have "No idea" what its like to be homeless, and "don't care" and are only concerned about themselves... and you shame us for being hypocritical... perhaps you should look in a mirror and realize what a complete hypocrite YOU are.

    I am a condo owner. And you know what? I worked my butt off for the privledge to own one. I've been working since I was 14 years old, and despite the cards stacked against me, I managed to put myself through college, and work hard enough to FINALLY be able to do afford something I can call my own... something I never had growing up.

    I am proud of that. And I am willing to bet the majority of people who do own in Uptown are proud of how hard they worked to get where they are too. How DARE you condemn us and claim moral superiority when you don't even KNOW any of us.

    You must feel so smug about yourself... thinking you are some social vigilante, changing the world, one mind at a time, don't you?

    Please, you are no better, and no worse, than any evil 'condo owner' and certainly no better than any of the gang bangers that murder innocent victims every day. You are just as human as the rest of us, with your own hypocritical thoughts, selfishness, and self-serving goals... so get off your high horse buddy, because no one is listening to you... but you.

  60. Farrell, I think it is safe to say that the bulk of the thinking-persons who read, and/or contribute to this blog agree with you.
    The 'Rons' of the world, try to sideline the logical points posted, by veering off course with dumb postings.
    Anything to get back on topic, which is the suspect, dreadful, corrupt, and self-serving ways that come from the Alderman's office.

  61. So when do we start fundraising for the new alderman's campaign? We should start soon. He's gonna need the money for advertising. I know it's a bit of time away but it's going to be a long hard road. We've got 700 people to win over. And I say we all get our butts over to Rob's for some hot tea and truffles. Do you know what chocolate does for the psyche? Nothing but good things.

  62. Best way to get involved in the 2011 primary is to head over to Helen's Money. A big part of the race is going to involve persuasion to convince Shiller's supporters in the past to sit the next election out.

  63. Us evil condo owners should unite and form a PAC against Shiller.

  64. "Ferrel" thank you for putting so well what so many of us in the neighborhood feel when someone calls into question what owning property in Chicago demands. It is not like the Property Fairy just dropped all these condos or houses into our laps. It is hard work every single day and we have every right to feel outraged when someone has ridiculous things to say about it. So if you are down on your luck and feel you can use that as an excuse to use drugs in the alley or attempt to take my wallet think again!

  65. I would love to see this stuff.

  66. We've got 700 people to win over.

    No, you only have 350-400 to win over if no additional Helen votes can be bused/dragged in.

    Take away 350-400 for Helen, and have them vote for the challenger, and that creates a 700-800 vote swing. Find another 200-300 people who did not vote in 2007, and it's a done deal.

    It's really not that many people.

    You need a ground game. Watch people like Marc Kaplan literally drag people out of the Wilson Mens Hotel to go vote at Truman.

    I had 2 friends who I hounded via email to vote. After the election, I asked them if they voted.


    You need to physically knock on the doors of your voters with a warm car waiting outside to take them to the polling place.

  67. If she runs she won't get re-elected.

    Kaplan and Durham better pack their bags for another hood to promote their cause.

  68. At lot of evil condo owners will give to James or whoever runs that is a better choice a lot of $$$ even with we don't have it.

    Plus with all the stuff we have that she has said and gone back on her word we will be able to show Uptown what she really is.

  69. Don't forget that Arai School was changed from a middle school to Uplift High School after the last Aldermanic election. Many of those kids will be voting age by the next election.

    Helen also promised JPUSA that she would build a High School for them by the next election.

    That makes two sets of impressionable new voters. This might add a few hundred more votes to Ald. Shiller's tally.

    If Wilson Yard is occupied as Helen suggested it would be by the next election, there will be 200-400 more voters there that she can "encourage" to vote. After all, they just won the affordable housing lottery (Over $400K per unit) thanks to her.

    Mercy Housing quietly got a zoning code change on Malden to increase the number of units in a building there to develop affordable housing. That may be as many as 100-200 more Shiller votes.

    The press for Wilson Yard, which I'm sure Ald. Shiller hasn't overlooked, will appear very different to the Lakeview half of the 46th ward than it does to the Uptown half of the ward. I'm sure she's counting on some of those votes too.

    Yes, James did very well in the last election, but Ald. Shiller has been planning her 2011 election strategy since long before the last Aldermanic election.

    I'm confident that this next election will be very difficult for Ald. Shiller, but it by no means will be a walk in the park to unseat her.

  70. Oh, and the new "Early Voting" will make dragging people to the polls even easier.

  71. I can't even fathom her in office in 2011.
    Didn't someone note, at that point she's eligible for 'full retirement' benefits?

    She should slink away in shame.

  72. “Helen also promised JPUSA that she would build a High School for them by the next election”.

    Zesty Marinara-

    That is by far the most ridiculous statement that has ever been posted on Uptown Update. It is full of Zesty Manure.

  73. " ... she's eligible for 'full retirement' benefits? ... "

    a Chicago alderman's annual retirement pension goes up as their annual salary goes up and their salary goes up every year

  74. Below is a link to the picture of the new school building:

    Below is a link to an interview that mentions their High School:

    "Some of the young people just graduated from the JPUSA high school"

    I really wish I was making some of this stuff up.

  75. Zesty M-

    Nope. Sure JPUSA might have plans to one day have a school. But the Alderman is not going to help build it, she will most likely have to sign some paperwork to approve the project.

    I will give you a million dollars if Jpusa has a High School by next election.

    You have no idea what you're talking about.

  76. Mercy Housing quietly got a zoning code change on Malden to increase the number of units in a building there to develop affordable housing. That may be as many as 100-200 more Shiller votes.

    When did this happen? Is Mercy Housing the same people that operated Mercy Hospital?

    I wonder what the prospects are to bury Ed Burke once and for all.

  77. What can we, as residents, do to help?

  78. Here's the link about Malden Arms, TSMH:

    Here's a link to Mercy Housing's web site:

  79. James or whomever should consider running under a UNITY: "Rich" / "Poor" banner. Who says we can't live together in harmony/Who says it's us against them.

    Shiller dividing the classes since 1982 or whatever year you get the drift.
