Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bridgeview Bank Building Free At Last

A reader sent us a photo noting that the scaffolding that's surrounded the Bridgeview Bank Building at Lawrence and Broadway has been taken down after several months.


  1. Amazing how refreshing a street scene can be when the scaffolding comes down.

    Sheridan/Wilson ... anyone?

  2. Is anyone tracking the "facade rebate" dollars in Uptown?

    Does anyone know, is Broadway Bank a subsidy recipient for facade work?

    In recent years the City's facade rebate program has been paid for out of TIFs under the rubric of SBIF ("small business improvement fund").

    I think it would be fascinating to learn that one of the north side's most prosperous (and hooked-up & connected) businesses is considered a small business for public subsidy purposes and is taking public dollars for this work while there are so many other obvious, worthy, and more needed candidates (see Uptown Update)
